Medea (Part 1)

By the way, the additoion of Eureka to Wiki is of course an event of Archimedean proportions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In millions of years when successors of mankind find the harddisk with the VHTV Wiki they will celebrate it as the most important discovery ever :joy: :joy:

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Making history here :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Yes, but did they do anything to deserve their names?:thinking:

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No, nothing more than being cuddly and cute. And giving us a smile and a laugh here :laughing:

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He is seriously cute. Love him tons

Hey @David I told you it was a goose hah. I’m talking about Aderyn find feathered friend btw. :wink: :hugs:

I think they both slept with Cometa and Bux as well as Medea!

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At least i made them brothers :joy:

By the way , he put some weight on him :laughing:

And, where is Reese?


So toys are getting names now… ok then

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Not sure what the big deal is tbh. It’s not like it’s hurting anything or anyone.


Of course this coming from a puppet. :rofl:

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Looks about right from here or is there another clock i can’t see?

where did i say its hurting someone or its a big deal? Its just something i have never seen before on this site thats all…

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Have you thought about selling your artwork? Something different than worn panties (Especially since you never wear any) :wink:

It didn’t but the “… ok then” implies sarcasm.

So what you are saying is @Medea has a used panty selling business she’s not telling us about. :thinking: :sweat_smile:

Without my lawyer…

Yes well in THAT particular case, I named him ‘Duracell’ (see Aderyn’s page for the full explanation of my reasoning for the name) and ‘he’ reminded me of an Aylesbury Duck.

If the name is to be given officially (maybe @jabbath1987 would be willing to do the necessary for that to happen), then for alliterative purposes (D/D), I propose he isn’t considered a goose. :slight_smile: