Medea (Part 1)

Hey, Medea. You need to stop punishing your pets!! They don’t know they’re doing what YOU consider to be wrong!!! They have no idea what YOU think is wrong for them to do. And, they don’t know why you’re smacking them.

And, in this case, you even smacked the wrong cat!! Cometa knocked it over, not Bux!!!

Don’t worry, Bux got revenge, had a s__t in the bathroom basin… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If she did, she most likely wouldn’t last long on this site. Even if the cats just didn’t show up in the apt anymore, that’s what people would think she did. What happened to the kittens?

Probably because she didn’t clean the litter box. The simple rule is one litter box per cat, plus one extra.

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Sex in the bedroom and nobody on the forum cares. :thinking:

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Might not be here talks about it, but it is where matters most, in views

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cam statuta

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image image Finley ziet er allesinds beter uit dan deze twee pipos

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Finally something different (for the better) in this shy apartment, a couple that is not afraid of the light and does not hide in the dark to do something as Medea always does, nice images

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Vreau sa o vad pe Medeea ca face SEX

You forgot to translate your wishful thinking

Watch Sex Sawyer & Medea - Sex in the bedroom | 2022-08-21 | Naked people with Medea in Bedroom | The biggest Voyeur Videos gallery Enjoy :wink:

Thought ,you were going to bed ? Don’t worry I’ll babysit L&W for ya So You won’t miss anything :stuck_out_tongue:

Cat Watching GIF

too bad we never see medea touching herself, it can do her good.

offline again :stuck_out_tongue: but it doesn’t really matter. they just go to the next realm…musical realms Medea is now at Goldie’s place :grinning:

Even yesterday Medea and her pets discussed on her kitchen the plans to open three new apts fot the new manager MAMA MEDEA. They say every Napoleon has his own Vaterloo.