Medea (Part 1)

Probably very unlikely to happen they are close friends. And she’s with Sawyer.

No party tonight - just Medea, Wayne and that other half-baked guy with the mop of reddish-blonde hair - it was kind of interesting watching those guys jump around and dance (or whatever they were doing) - they both seemed a little high on booze and whatever else. I kind of like those guys, they both have a lot of energy, especially when they are lucky enough to score, but their approach to some girls seems to be a little too brash or abrupt - both of them struck out with Audrina this past weekend, and that was interesting in itself. Also, I got a chuckle watching the cats running around chasing each other and fighting in the living room while the three humans were in the kitchen. Cats seem to rule this apartment. :thinking:

Thise anyone ever seen @Medea masturbating? Dont no if she is going to be able not to get in bed with a guy since the house as been with some guys.

Pussies, various… :rofl: :rofl:

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So Naya has decided to visit Wayne and not her bathroom bang Junior… :rofl: :rofl:

That’s good Wayne will beet it up more than jr

whos that girl in the black , its not audrina is it

That’s right, it’s not Audrina

Lust house has arrived… :crazy_face: :rofl:

You mean Frust(ation) House :rofl: :rofl:

Naya has a new guy for bathroom banging… :rofl:

I don`t get how they always have the best looking girls, i need to give them this :thinking:

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I used Lust house as a name for that group, I’m not implying that’s how they act… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


She is from Kazantip house? :wink: That guy looks like Ryder but it is not him…

Yes she was at Kaz and here she is the one that Junior had in both places in the bathroom. no it’s not Ryder

He is a new guy

Join party at Medea’s apartment. #voyeurhouse #reallivecam

How bad can you make a photo? - Yes :rofl: :rofl: :see_no_evil:

I don’t think I want to go to that party. :fearful: