Marla & Hector

So true, but unpopulare ipinion, my fav fallout games is not new vegas

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not anymore, friend

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En este apartamento como que no tienen mucho sexo a pesar de lo excitante que tiene Marƭa el cuerpo y ese gran coƱo y esas tetas

Actually Iā€™ve never played FO4, FO76 is the only FO Iā€™ve ever played. I use to be a huge gamer years ago when the a 286 PC with 1 MB ram (could max it out to 5GB the at over $100 per MB), hard drive was 40 MB. It cost me $2500 with monitor. It was one of the best money could buy at the time. They said you would never have to have a bigger (better) computer, today we have smart phones that to more lol.

It was also a time when you could by a game on a floppy disk for a few dollars! But I stopped playing for many, many years until I retired. I 1st started out with Wolfientine (that I played years before off of a floppy disk), then a number versions of Quake (and of course on a new and much better computer lol. This is when I stopped, I was to busy with my career, family life and raising my c___dren. When I started again it was Guild Wars2, New World and now FO76.

Guess I kind of showed Iā€™m definitely not one of the younger ones here :wink: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :older_man:

Edited to addā€¦

BTW, I was just told by a friend that many people are having major issues with the last update of FO4. Messed up all their mods among other problems. Mods, something I donā€™t play around with.

As we say a lot of time, yes, sometimes it happens.
the upper side to have a real life apartment is ā€œwhen you see hot stuff you get the truthā€
the downside is ā€œsometimes you donā€™t cause a real life can be a messā€

actually we are near the end of ā€œmess timeā€ and also spring and summer are our greatest activity timefram from the start :slight_smile:

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i ALSO remind that kind of setup, donā€™t feel alone :slight_smile:
i have one amstrad as my first PC, the kind who does not have a Hard drive cause they are not invented yet, and i also still have my Amiga 500 and all the floppy.

on FO4, yeah the update acn disrupt some mod, but a lot still work, iā€™m using that kind of stuff, itā€™s easy on consolle for FO4.

also, i have an account on 76,i love uilt camp, next in line is the new update of 76 :slight_smile:


I shied away from Fallout 76 after hearing all the bug reports in the months after its release. So I have actually never played it. Now, I have understood the problems have been fixed, and in addition more content with quests and NPCā€™s have been added.

I really like the Fallout games, and after seeing the positive thumbs up from both you and Hector here, I will give it a try some day :smiley:

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Is it free if you own the game, or does it come with subscription? I will definitely be a little careful with it if it messes up mods. My Fallout 4 is heavily modded :joy:

its free with the game, mess up a LOT with graphic mod, not so much wich ontent mod (but it depends) be acreful, but the new engine is really good


Thanks for the info, perhaps Iā€™ll have to investigate some more. I have a rig thatā€™s getting kind of old, like I still have 1080 GPU. It was a great graphic cardā€¦once upon a time, but itā€™s a few generations ago. So this new patch might be a little too heavy for my old rig.

Excuse me, are you talking about me!? My rig is a tad old now. My graphics card needs glasses, the GPU needs a little boost daily and the memory has been written over so many times I forget things now and then! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :smile: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :older_man:


Penny for your thoughts?


can be summed into 3 main branches:

  • this spring suck
  • we need this damn event to set up again our finance
  • morning is difficult
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thatā€™s a good one xD


Wow! Sounds like a rough morning. Hope things get better. :wink:

Well when you look at your body as a PC :man_shrugging: :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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I masturbate a lot seeing Marlaā€™s body. This woman is hot


I masturbate a lot seeing Marlaā€™s body. This woman is hot

Deliicous Woman

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woman beautiful