Marcel & Flora

Only person I’d care to see again is Lyra and that isn’t possible anymore.

What makes you think that? I actually believe that it might be possible (or higher chances) now

And yes, will be great to see Lyra again

She told me herself that it wouldn’t be possible. I gave up hope after that.

Understood. Sad, Lyra was one of the best guests from the old place

Juliana please :pray:

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strange kalender over there?

I think Hope left just before Flora graced us with her presence on VHTV.

I assume she means as a participant and not a guest

Why you think so?

Since she is not a manager or opens realms according to @John78 that would not make sense?
As far as I understand it, she just wants to have guests in her realm, preferably those who bring in money

Shyguy was talking about this

well, she often says things that can be explained in different ways :smiley:

So do people on this forum :joy::joy:

Like Juliana?? When Flora was first starting her webcaming career her most successful shows were with the sweet, wonderful, Juliana. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Maybe not officially

She’s certainly has been there in the past when the cameras go online so obviously “helps out”

That has always been the business model

I know that, but @John78 keeps insisiting that it is not the case

Let’s just agree that we have a different understanding of the word “manager” please, ok ?

“Helping out” is something else…

Helping out Flora’s bank account. :money_mouth_face:

maybe @Flora can aswer that herself?

Come on Lukas we all know he would argue that red is actually blue given the chance