Marcel & Flora

whas that while she was talking with Dennis on the phone?

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How could i know and why would i care ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Funny they were posing then in front of a VH cam :laughing:

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En klaar om een bezoekje te brengen aan … :thinking:

Looks like it’s Clubbing night for the girls

I feel sorry for the guy’s, either they will drop of heart failure or if as you say they out clubbing. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

domestic violence caveman GIF


Hi Flora :hugs:

because of this post , just one before this one

that is why i am asking :slight_smile:

Sorry, but i still don’t see any connection between my post and Dennis’s name :thinking:

she was clearly on the phone there or not?

and i heard her talk to Dennis on the phone, so that would be obvious or not?
that’s why i ask

@Flora and Dennis even have matching blue spots on the legs :heart_eyes:

She was clearly on the phone fooling around with Shea. As for who she was on the phone, (if she was with someone and not just doing funny vids) i have no clue, but i am very sure that is classed as private information and not allowed to be shared on the forum, same like sharing the translations from their daily talks probably…

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she knows we are watching , and listening… so she is carefull in those things :slight_smile:

I don’t know who to look at first Belle perfect :peach: or Flora perfect body :crazy_face::hot_face:

You confuse me even more now. Who are the “we” she is careful with? Off course she knows that people are watching and listening, that’s why the cams are there for

exactly right!

and therefore what is said is never private

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Well, i tend to disagree with that. Or, to be more precise, Vhtv disagreed with that, as i got all my posts in Queens Topic stating what Wayne was talking on the phone, flagged and removed because of exactly that reason: “sharing private information on the forum”

28 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters

Hey @kaya is your second name Jabbath :laughing: Only asking lol

no matter @kaya, love you really :hugs:

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