Marcel & Flora

I’m sure he has no problem with getting caught in this trap :heart_eyes: :sweat_smile:

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:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Could he cement himself as one of the luckiest guys to live? My guess is no, but happy to be proven wrong :wink:. He already has quite the résumé


Well, he’s definitely lucky enough just to be there, living with all them beauties under the same roof


Maybe I missed it but whatever happened to Foo?

Kratos belonged to Dennis and left with him. Dennis has shown up to a few different apartments since but without Kratos

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Flora always talks and promises a lot and then does nothing! If you really are going to fuck them all, you can start with the one next to you right now, on the sofa! PS. lie… do not promise if you are not going to fulfill it.

I must’ve missed when she said this, can you show me? Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see it but I want to make sure we aren’t misquoting someone again

Not sure what makes you believe that she actually said that.

In fact, she never promised anything :wink:

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I don’t know, someone said it in previous comments, I suppose they understand Russian… but knowing Flora, it doesn’t surprise me that she said it, but complying with it I don’t believe it anymore…

I see, it’s best not to take commenters words as facts especially when some don’t have the most integrity when it comes to Flora

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Well, maybe she can clarify this and say if it’s true or false if she wants… maybe there are people who have wrong expectations. In my country there is a saying that silence grants… a non-response to a comment can already generate an expectation that is not going to be fulfilled…

Ok so don’t expect it to be fulfilled then. It doesn’t seem she promised anything in the first place

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Francis, if you check when he started and what he posted here, you will understand what he is and does :slightly_smiling_face:

When I say not to work with assumptions it goes both ways, so while I understand what you mean and I had that in the back of my head. I choose to respond without preconception

Honestly, I’ve been following her since she started at VH and very rarely has she fulfilled what she promised and when she has, she has always played with the trap…she is a specialist in creating expectations that she doesn’t meet later…she lives on it …

I disagree, the only time i recall that she promised a threesome she followed through with it. Any other expectations people have, they created for themselves. How long do you have to follow someone to know not to expect something unless they say it themselves?

Look, just to show us that you have even a little bit of ground to stand on, can you show us a clear example of what she promised (with a quote from her words) and she didn’t fulfilled ?

A premeditated threesome with a clear strategy…why never did a reverse threesome happen? I mean Flora with two boys at the same time? The result was Dennis with a license to fuck the girls that Flora marked for him… always directing the orchestra…