Maks & Lastochka, Liya Anomalia

I will do it. DO not worry

Could it be some genius placed the cam outside the bathroom so when the door is closed we can’t see a thing?

Nothing would surprise me. A bathroom door for a view. :rofl:

post deleted by author

Oh the joys of talking endlessly about cameras when a new apartment opens

if they are mounted by andrea bocelli and right to talk about it…

This is the view with the door closed from earlier,

Okay seems the cam is placed inside the bathroom.

Would not be necessary if they would do a decent job setting up a place. There are a lot of places where you can see how it is done right. It is just sloppy work.

Wow it took more than 30 minutes :joy: :joy:

Why someone will ever choose this name ? :roll_eyes:

No idea. Google search returns nothing. I thought there is maybe a character with that name but no.

I knew it was going to happen lol.

Next one about to happen :rofl:

Dang, if Google doesn’t know I don’t know how we will ever be able to find the answer… :smiling_face_with_tear:

Well at least Liya is a actual name which is more then can been said for some in the past


Jetzt liegt die Kamera im Badezimmer komplett unten

So eine schlampige Arbeit habe ich noch nie gesehen

Hi everyone, I apologize for the non-professional camera edit that ended up crashing while disabling this realm to fix it.


This is what happens when VHTV relies on realm managers to supply tenants. You get what you pay for. Some realm managers are pretty efficient. Some realm managers are fly-by-nighters and why such a high revolving door of participants or constantly relocating of participants.