
No, it’s make Foxy))))

Oh OK, thank you for telling me. :slight_smile:

Esta viendo a la rata que tienen de mascota y me parece tan graciosa y amigable, me gusta ver como la gente interactiva con ella, debería haber un espacio para la mascota y subir fotografía de momentos graciosos así como lo hay de los gatos, me gustaría de esta ratita

In his natural habitat. Pizduk.
bandicam 2021-10-10 22-14-28-688

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Cuuute :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks but think i’ll watch for the photo Foxy will send. :hugs:

I found this one from announcement

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Es muy linda me gustaría saber si es de alguna raza en especial o no se como le digan en su país

Foxy is back


what now???

Yes the interaction makes for good entertainment for us viewers

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Ooo so cute))) i makes photo now

No, it’s usually home moUse ? Who is Altera? Funny and sad ?? What does " mental exacerbation" mean?




You can Google mental exacerbation and get the best answer. Simply put I think the starting of the cold weather depresses her but I could be wrong.

Luchik and Foxy naked together, love it!

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That’s direct quote from girls. And I agree with marcie’s interpretation :ok_hand:

She feels funny and sad, she had bipolar disorders like foxy

No cold… It’s just happened every year in autumn…