
my russian is a bit rusty so why was Foxy so angry earlier tonight?

Foxy dont be so sad…you are to beautiful to ever be sad…

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Ese rostro enojado podrĂ­a servir para pelĂ­culas de terror, hasta sentĂ­ miedo de lo que debe estar diciendo


Certainly doesn’t improve her apprearance :rofl:

NO NO foxy not leaving again is she…hope she return real soon…


There is something really satisfying about seeing Luchik ‘dressed’ like this! :innocent:


jesus you’re not kidding. I think my balls retracted the second I saw expression and I may have lost them for the evening.

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Really exciting :grinning:

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Naked sure does look good on him…for sure

Because Andre makes me angry

Yas, I’m coming back very soon)

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I’m so sorry) but it’s not my fault… It’s fault of Andre

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If you don’t mind me asking, what did Andre do that upset you so much?

Luchik like to be naked)

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He doesn’t listen to me, doesn’t understand me, he only talk, this because I spoke so loud


Some of us love seeing Luchik naked! He seems very comfortable like that. Long may this continue, as long as he is happy to allow us to see it I mean. :slight_smile:

Well I hope everything works out Ok and you guys sort things out. :heartbeat:

Everyday Luchik can do what he want) and Luchik really like his life


Yes, i think so

He is a good man. I am very glad he joined the project.

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