Lags and latest site problems

I know you are waiting for it, so… What about your COOKIES?
Cookie Monster Cookies GIF by Sesame Street

You cheating bugger getting viewing privileges before the rest of us eh. :rofl:

:sweat_smile: You s__t stirrer :sweat_smile: I was gonna mention it but i have so often lately i thought better of it right now :sweat_smile:

You forgot the cache by the way :roll_eyes:

B___dy good job you can laugh about it i suppose but it is a pain in the ass. :sweat_smile:

Well friends in high places you see, or is it low places :rofl:

My very long term annoyance with the streaming that I have is that it randomly stops playing, it started around when the beta website was launched, this is the only website I visit that does it

Quite agree pal, never used to have it years ago but this past year i am always having jumps forward in the streaming no matter who i am watching. :angry:

You can be watching someone sitting down say and then suddenly they are over the other side of the fucking room

Yes it can be certainly frustrating, I raised the issue and was given the usual response so promptly gave up chasing it, I’ve watched very little since my subscription ended due to the issue and having little interest in the apartments but I thought I would give it another chance with the free days to see if I was missing anything (turns out I’m not) and the issue is unfortunately still there as well

Yeah i used to contact them quite often but like you gave up in the end.
I don’t watch it constantly only in bits and pieces.
Mainly comment on the forum now on and off and just view anything which looks interesting from members posts.
May seem like i am on a lot but not really, just that when i am on i’m a gobby bugger :sweat_smile:
Most of them are mostly all the same anyway

The site is buffering a lot this evening and often jumps the timeline by a few seconds. very annoying.

jaaaa es geht gar nichts

Am getting rather pissed off with so many cams so slow to load and some not at all. :unamused:
Not to mention the streaming frame jumps :angry:
Do VHTV want our subs or not???

cc @kaya

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@Shyguy also experiencing this? From the first glance looks normal and no more reports

Slow to load cams but that’s usual for me on this site

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Everything seems ok for me.

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Same here, working fine

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Thank you guys, appreciate you confirming there’s no massive disaster so I can go to s___p without any worries :heart:


just as a note: Yesterday I had significant problems with the loading speed of the images in the forum. but today everything is back to normal…

Two members saying they are ok and two saying things are not is not a glowing reccomendation that things are ok is it so i would respectively suggest you don’t s___p too soundly as things overall aint that great Kaya.
I have been having these problems for quite a while and so have many others who haven’t posted here so don’t just dismiss it out of hand as there definitely are problems with cams loading and streaming jumping.