Kortny & Douglas

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There is not a word щас in Russian language!

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No reason was given, just like when most peoples names disappear from the apartments list.

That translates to ‘right now’.

Naturally I know that is a reduced form of сейчас in the Net-slang. But the mananger should say more correctly.

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Well, I don’t know what you know. You said there was a better word, so I gave you the translation. Just trying to help, Rich. :+1:


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That’s what happens when you punch a wall before you slap your GF

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She was in the James Bond film “Goldfinger” :laughing:

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WTF happened???

Who took the bed? :joy: :stuck_out_tongue:

Spat/Aggressiveness, friend that was there put himself between them to keep the peace. Whatever ticked him off caused him to take a swipe at the wall and then he slapped her across the face. It obviously hurt because she put a cloth on her face, The BF got dressed and went out, the friend stayed with her, Next day it was if nothing happened…they were close again. He otherwise seems to be a nice guy but he must have a short fuse, or it was a one off event.

When did that happen?

Friday or Saturday I think there are some pictures in the forum here that someone posted without comment. It’s at the 2 day mark here in the forum.

Please Lay come back

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You forgot a few “details”. First he “twisted” her nose (after the wall punch) and then she slapped him… After he slapped her and then she slapped him again. just a regular day, nothing special

Slapping her face, I feel no sorrow in a wrapped hand

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