
We’ll fix it tomorrow

Looks stunning as always to me :rofl::wink:

You can easily tell the difference between new realm33 and new realm36 regarding the cam setup… Two different managers…

We have already mentioned it when launched. Shower view will be tilted down 100% and others I guess too (but after HR review)

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Thanks very much but next time they should review it first before they approve it :wink::sparkling_heart:

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What is HR review?

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In case someone was wondering how Itchi is doing


They do angles the way they want and then see other suggestions (and approve or not) :3

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Will Ben visit tonight?

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I know one person…

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Suggestion review by responsible

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Another in name only apartment

I’m not sure how someone thinks it’s ok to have cameras pointing to the ceiling hence the name ceiling cams.

Curious now if Cassie will be Cassie or stay Kelys :joy:

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What about this one if it can go more left to avoid seeing the wall i circled.

A lot more left. Another one for @kaya :kissing_heart:

Looks like that gang bang for Cinderella @Edd5512 was talking about might actually come true!!!

:flushed: :scream: :scream:

Voor herstellingswerken moet je bij Wayne en Queen zijn :wink:

I LUV Itchi! He is my favorite VHTV participant!!!

:cat: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Cat Love GIF

Just for you then :wink:

You see, i still look after you :crazy_face: