
That looks fun :slightly_smiling_face:

The question is when is payday and who gets the money?

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Let’s agree that there is a lot of sex in both houses right now.

In the other realm, there is a lot of talk during sex. I haven’t seen Harper having sex with Golo yet.

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Golo with Harper and Medea … Harper might like that, if Medea joins in there?!

Which girl is Medea

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3 times in last 24 hours so watch time line or archive

This is the lovely Medea!


Ahh right thank you

You referring to Harper or Astrid sex ?

nope on the astrid dont know who that is i reply to max he did not se harper having sex with golo it happend 3 times last 24 hours in bedroom

What is she eating pickled feet ewwww!

Where’s Golo. It’s time for them to fuck

Instead of annoying Harper and Golo, Ben should go and have sex with Medea… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Seems this is going to be the new crew. Scott will be around. But not often! Of course I guess he has to be.after all he owns the place!

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Right on Q :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Until his phone goes off then It’s all stop and check it :rofl:

They did not stop making content of the highest level. Someone tell him to stop for a bit. :rofl:

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Did you count how many today? Harper replaces scott, he doesn’t get the man out of bed. :smiley:

There’s no stopping this girl, just 10 minutes ago they fuck and she wants it again… :rofl: :rofl: