
I guess some people just have faces that seem familiar. I’ve lost count of how many times people have told me that they’ve seen me somewhere that I’ve never visited. Apparently I have many doppelgangers. Which is slightly worrying … :thinking:

Jurry, is it another new name for Sergio / Freddy…

The place has already been abandoned. what a joke.

They arrived

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It looks like another monogamous pair = the interest will last a week.

Nothing really changed here they in bed all day. :man_facepalming:

A week, if the pimp and the GF pop around it could all be over today :sweat_smile:

Immerhin wurde endlich die Dose auf dem Küchentisch entfernt… :joy:

So far 10 hours with a very brief get up moment.

Too much excitement for me here … bring back Katia, at least she had a nice body

Looks cute. But maybe we’ll see something more??image

Til now not impressed at all. But let’s see this weekend…

Well at least there’s no one on the phone telling them what to do. :smirk:

first time not card games

You were saying ?? :grin:

They are playing checkers and not cards

A couple playing strip cards? Should I get excited? :joy:

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this place is not good maybe they should close it down nothing good in here

My opinion on this place. Pimp & GF went out looking for some people who needed money and a place to stay. The conditions were explained, show nudity and a fuck a day. We will give you games to play and a TV to watch, you have your phones and you can sleep as long as you like.