June & Jaro

This may take a little while

Copying scott… But he was so smart and used a garden hose :rofl:

Only done 4 buckets

kids these days, 'ey? Don’t know they’re born most of them. Cor, in my day we’d have drained a lake and built a mountain in the time it took him to do those four buckets. And then we’d have laid down a road before breakfast. Kids want to wake up and smell the dung pile. What’s the world coming to 'ey? and smoking next to the clean washing. tsk. :older_man:

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does june know any girls

why did she use the sink like a toilet

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I think the toilet is problematic. She should have just squatted in the bath. but yeah, the toilet probably has a broken flush mechanism or something which is why the boys usually piss in the bath or sink.

Sinks & baths are OK if they want to do a number 1, but a toilet with a broken flush is going to be problematic for number 2’s.

So the only thing changed here is the names. The main dude and GF fuck themselves silly in the bedroom while the blue ball brigade are left holding their dicks in the living room :s___ping:

And join to that the sex bates work on mobile that she suddenly start doing when entered in this apartment

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Or they could just be lazy. there’s always that. I once went to a flat with a broken toilet where the guy had continued using it and it was full of … I didn’t visit again. :nauseated_face:

Or they could just be doing for the piss show because they know that will give them some attention

You really get fucking lazy disgusting people.

Me personally? I’ve known some oddballs. Generally, yes. More than one would like to think about.

Hey dude don’t be selfish, there are a couple of your mates with their hands on their dicks, ask the GF is she is willing to do a :train:

Were you by any chance an actor in the movie Trainspotting :crazy_face:

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I think most of it is laziness. They can’t be bothered walking to the other end of the hallway to the toilet. Also probably if someone else is using the toilet they can’t be bothered to hold it in and wait.