June & Jaro

where is this place in the world

and I like your game is called phase 10, my friends and I play it


here’s how to draw a dick correctly
this is a drawing of a kindergarten c___d

That’s impressive, although it’s pointing the wrong way! :laughing:

Offline again…. Just as June was just getting Hands on with waxing the ginger guy with a kitchen spoon

is june place offline again

Well we won’t miss anything in that case. Who wants to see her waxing that kid? :joy:

see them in a week then

I just found it funny as never seen it attempted with a kitchen spoon

They knew how predictable the games would end so they pulled the plug to get us out of our misery :upside_down_face:

Ridiculous for sure :joy:

Vuelvan a estar en línea por favor, son los más entretenidos para mi en este momento.

is this what you call a Foursome???

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I think I will pass on that one… Too bad they had to invite these two weird guys…

for voyeur house twitter is a foursome with double penetration.

Did they?? :thinking:

It’s customary to trash any new site but my feeling is that this one could be interesting because of the FMMM angle. Also VH members who are gay might enjoy it.

Not sure if all gay people are into sissy guys looking like kids???

They had that same angle with that “extra” actors and nothing…