Jirina (Part 1)

I have a feeling, marica may have better chances having fun with kostja and indira, than with tejo, especially if jirina acts like she always does

Look at the faces and the tone of voiceā€¦are we pleased to see them? Will their be another joyful night?

I donā€™t know. But 500 comments about nothing before the night is over for sure :man_facepalming:

Jirina thinks sheā€™s the boss, when they are co tenants. She needs to shut up, and let them relax

While there are J&T haters on here, Iā€™m not one of them. I just look at this realisticallyā€¦ the week I&K were gone their views were practically nonexistent. I just donā€™t really see much contribution from them, but maybe Iā€™m missing somethingā€¦

but they think they are the reason for all the views. Never let a good story be spoiled by the truth.!

Why did Jirina put Big Pinky behind the curtains?

It should be spoken to any older farts. Jirina invites, that unless kostja says OK, indira is off limits, we donā€™t need a repeat of Friday night

ā€¦and Indira says OK of course!!

God damit, tell jirina put panties on forgods sake

This looks like an interesting stand-off, good thing there are no guns here!

:innocent: vs :imp:

I think if they had a party of 25 year old guys and girls, I think both kostja and indira would be open to swinging

Indira looks thrilled to see them back!!

Kostja and indira are both thrilled, donā€™t toy think lol

How about this?

Indira gets Marica set up with kostja for bjs aso. Kostja is busy,

And Indira is free for Tejo.

That would suit Jirina, because this way Indira gets happy (big stiff cock) and Jirina gets rid of kostja on the long run :rofl::joy::rofl:

Anyone notice their first job when they got back?..look around and find something to moan at. There was a tin in one of the lower cupboardsā€¦A-Haā€¦sorry it is one of Maricasā€¦oh


If indira did, it would be for marica to go all the way

It seemed that Indira looked happy sitting next to Tejo.

Donā€™t know if it was Tejo or the food though. :joy::joy:

Indira by her eating habits seems to be trying to equal Jirina.

Does she want to fulfill Tejoā€™s ideals?? :rofl::rofl:

Marica is definitely feeling right at home, bra and panties only

Jirina thing she is running the whole house. Thats why kostja, Indira and Marcia need to get there own place.