Jakar & Lilka


Ces gars sont juste des fous
 limite dangereux qui a___ent d’une pauvre alcoolique
 Ils n’ont strictement rien à faire ici!!! :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Lee is really funny guy :rofl: and entertaining :sweat_smile::blush:



Immer noch selbe UnterwÀsche seit dem Wochenende :laughing:

He behaves a little like a kid with adhd, but he’s OK :grin: by the way, I’m waiting for the girl who was in there the day before, but I presume she might have her own kids, so no enough time probably :grin:

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I am waiting for Ann & Janosh and their hot friends. The foursome they basically had out of the blue in the morning is still one of the hottest things happened on the site so far.

That’s true; there were a few good parties arranged by Jakar, hopefully he will continue, then I’ll take back what I had said about him before, that he looks old and grumpy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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And he should let the nursing home people outside :rofl::rofl:

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But none of those people turn up so far, which is good :grin:

Yeah let’s hope they won’t find the way :wink:

Ashampoo_Snap_mercredi 8 février 2023_17h41m31s_002_Wendy apartment with reallifecam cameras at Voyeur House TV - Google Chrome


What is going on here? They are constantly pissed, and I think either she has many pairs of the same underwear or she has been wearing those for over 3 possibly 4 days now, mind you they have been off more than on :rofl:. And today was the first time I have seen her have a shower in 4 days, her greasy hair showed as much. The young guy wants to fuck at the drop of a hat, and Jakar gets what he can if and when it’s available.

Life pal, life :grin:

They actually washed her underwear today :thinking:


dress sex, shy

What, pissed all the time and no personal hygiene, not the life I would choose. But at least they have a roof above their heads, even though it likely smells like a public urinals :rofl: :rofl:


Good job really or they would have likely become part of her :rofl: :rofl: