Jakar & Lilka

but in normal life girls in ukraine or russia are all like this?

OMG! Are these really Evelyn and Estelle visiting Jakar and Lilka?
Please tell me, I’m not sure!

P:S: This was no b___dy joke, it was a question. To those who posted
a laughing emoji, are you stupid or bullies or both?


You have to make an appointment with the ophthalmologist, urgent. :rofl:

And you with a psychiatrist, you mean jerk. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

You think before you write engineer, then don’t complain if users laugh at you.
I am waiting for your next comment. :rofl:




People live their real(?) lives eating, _____ing, playing cards, having fun, messing around and sometimes even going nuts. Rarely reading a book, but sometimes studying English, some even going to work. Making love, kissing, quarreling and being jealous, (because some of them think their partner is their private property). And above it all hovers the black, menacing cloud of relocation and occasionally even the diabolic b___dthirsty raptor of ISP issues!




les souris danse kan la chatte n’ai plus la …

c’est qui ? cette blonde qui ce laisse faire par JAKAR …

elle va finir la soirée sur sa bite …


Into the hidden room to get it on.

I thought Jakar and Lilka were a couple? It seems she is only having sex with the douchebag guy that just goes in and bangs her with no foreplay and is a little rough with her in my opinion

alcool a bien aider a fait effet …

Jakar & Lilka apartment, some, that’s the word, some images with light, for the rest almost always in the dark,better than nothing but, still little

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