Is there an easy way to see which apartments are new?

I’m wondering if there is a way to see which apartments are new? I can’t find a way to sort apartment discussion topics by date created, and the Participants thread doesn’t have a date started.

Am I missing something or does someone know a way to sort by date apartment started?

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Here you can see it.

should actually be quite simple. everything below the favorites is sorted automatically, from new (top) to old (bottom)

within the favorites it doesn’t work that way, sorting is only possible by throwing them out and adding them in the desired order

Is it possible that in the starlight house apartment she never fucks?

well the easy way to find out if they are new ,when you go on this site if you not seen someone before then they are new on here ,if that helps but there is always someone on here to say we have a new apartment keep checking the forum

In theory that would work if there was some logic how some places are ordered in that list coming from offline status (relocations essentially)