Is it ok for members to leave suggestive/ scriptive comments on apartments' topics?

I request all viewers who are against this scripted and f_____g or convincing participants to do more…. Just do facepalm on their comments….!

How should that even work?

I ll give you example… I saw many times it happen but was silent because I don’t follow those realms…. next time if anything like that happen I ll post here… so that every viewers will get aware with these things….!

Being so condescending we risk everyone doing like Amelie & Lucas and disconnecting when they go to have sex, it would be their free choice, right?

Vhtv should take action against these types of realms who me and you to complain about their choice…. they monitor everything…. I complained many time but nothing solved so….!

Can you please show me how you came up with that very specific number? I mean strong evidence, not again invented lies. Also, where do you stand on this matter, in the 90% or in the rest of 10%.
Thank you

I think for some of the apartments the best script word is OFFLINE

Ok bub I fixed it for you. :wink: I would say I talk to participants/guests more than most. However I have never said anything like this.

My strong evidence is my eyes. I can read the forum and see that you talk and ask questions directly with the participants and guests more than most forum users.

Oh non, Torey, tu es beaucoup, beaucoup trop modeste : tu mitrailles à tout va mais quand il n’y a rien d’intéressant. Mais c’est cela la classe quand on veut être dans le Guiness Book des records ! :wink: :wink:

Even if this was the case, it still doesn’t stop participants reading the forum as you don’t need an account to do that

You didn’t fixed for me dude, you only tried to fix it for yourself. I give you this, for your age, you are quite good at twisting the words in your favour. You should be doing politics, quite fit for that role.

Yes, that is correct, but at least will remove the speculations about them getting the scripts from what we writing here. Obvs the only way for removing any doubts is to not have a forum at all

Yes just nuke the main advertisement for the main site because a few forums users don’t want participants on it

I fixed it to make what I was trying to say more accurate. You called me out on say 90%, which is a fair point to make. By changing the wording form 90% to most I made my statement more accurate without changing meaning behind my original statement.

My original question is still the same. If you:

Why interact with them at all? If you feel this strongly about not understanding why participants are allowed on the forum, I personally would avoid interacting with them all together. Maybe you enjoy interacting with them? That is a fine reason for interacting with the participants & guests on the forum. That is my primary reason for talking with them. I think it is fun and I enjoy it. :hugs:

Here’s a story. You people who spend so much of your life tracking and following the lives of people living on a sex cam site are wasting your time and energy on something that means nothing. Don’t be fooled, none of the people here are your friends and if you disappeared tomorrow nobody is going to miss anything about you. VHTV would only miss your money. The tenants and managers only ever see you as camJohns and they laugh at you. Notice how they vanish when they leave VHTV. If you have a trust level above the most basic levels, you need to reconsider your life. You’re suppose to turn it on, jerk off to something, and go about your life like a normal person. There’s nothing special about any of this. The niche of voyeurism is over, if you missed it you missed it, and all that’s left are hustling camstars that want your money. Imagine telling someone else what you’re doing with practically all of your spare time. They would turn and walk away cause you’d come off like a perverted weirdo. Unless, you’re impotent stop living vicariously through other peoples sex lives, it makes you seem desperate. The end!

Just when I thought today couldn’t get any weirder look what appeared from nowhere, well I suppose it is getting near to Halloween :rofl:

Oh no you spoke to me, tsk tsk. Hurry delete it quickly before you get in trouble or ignored by “The Community”.

I speak to whoever I like, I have a habit of speaking to the saddest person on the site so I can help cheer them up somehow :wink:

lame as fuck

So sorry to hear that I hope you find joy in your life sometime :cry: