
Yes, beautiful Inga, uninhibited as I like it, but I think something was missing (maybe someone in the apartment, I don’t know), to help her in the apartment

Vhtv continues to lose excellent residents, in a short time there were 2, Inga, and Jack & Rose, very sad
:cry: :sob:

:frowning: Another one I like leaving.

Could it be some romance that would best be explored off cameras? She been spending a few nights away lately. It was an nice apartment, and relative almost always tidy. And not to bad layout compering to some other apartments

Just Shinobu left on my fav list now. Beside from a few guest that dont have there own place.

Mein nächster Favorit hat die Bühne verlassen. Bin traurig, werde sie vermissen. Hoffe, dass sie mit Othello glücklich wird. Ich wünsch Dir, liebe Inga, von Herzen alles Gute. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Othello war nur gut zu ihr aber sehr eifersüchtig das kann sich in so einem projekt nicht klappen da wird halt auch mal durcheinander gefickt

She lasted long enough for what kindergartens usually last.

yes you are right ,should they not try to keep them ,or talk to the landlords ,maybe give them more money ,a lot of lovely girls have gone ,or maybe dare I say keep us happy we are the ones who are paying

No Inga left :sob:
I wish her nothing but the best
Best Wishes Good Luck GIF

I agree 100 percent

Unfortunately I have to agree with you. Still a pity she is a real lady :s___py:

Schade. Aber sehr viel Verschleiß momentan bei vht

Well sometimes you have to cut the dead wood in order to get nice new branches.
Especially the places of Flora are always the same lately. Even the guest girls look the same. No surprise too many of them won’t earn much.

glaube sie alle werden das geld nicht haben das sie die miete nicht zahlen können ist sehr schade und dann müssen sie gehen sie tun mir so leid und wir verlieren unsere guten mieter das portal ist mit 12 wohnungen offline das werden immer mehr das muss man stopen vht team helft ihnen doch bitte

Ja da ist was dran . Frisches Blut ist immer gut , bin gespannt ob was kommt …

Why? That is the concept of the site. If they are popular they will stay if not they will leave. Easy as that.

A shame as Inga had one of the best body’s on VH IMO.
Suppose you can’t please all the fussy buggers all the time.

Could be described as a human cattle market then eh

i agree i liked her quite a bit great body pretty girl

Well people say for years they want places in different environments and different nationalities. We have summer and not a single place with a nice outdoor area online (Marla & Hector with the roof terrace being the exception)
All places openend lately look like a copy from the other one, at Floras even the girls look pretty much the same lately.

Rant over. :joy:

die mädchen tun mir leid sie werden nur ausgenuzt wenn sie nicjht genug für vht bringen müssen sie gehen so schade