Henry (Part 3)




and if any further proof needed that , look who reacted to my comment with a heart emoji ,


I’ll say this about @Henry , maybe he saw my post a few days ago, or maybe not, but a few days after I posted that since they “live” in the bathroom, LOL, he needs another cam to show the whole party. And sure enough, now there’s another cam!

Maybe he saw my post, maybe not, but the cam is there now. THANKS, Henry!


I actually like the basic placing and location of the new cam in the bathroom. Nothing to whine about there. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


he reads the topic every other day, although he now doesnt respond to members comments unless its a witty quip to belittle a members comment , so its quite possible he saw your comment


Totalement d’accord avec « tueurs d’étoiles » j’ai beaucoup de bons sentiments pour Ardesia, Mira et j’y ajouterai Ariela. Toutes ces belles personnes mĂ©ritent de rencontrer un homme qui l’ai respectera tout en gardant leurs libertĂ©s, les uns et les autres. Partager les plaisirs avec des hommes ne rends pas indispensable l’alcool, la drogue, la vulgaritĂ© et la violence.



and how do you know that ?

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because i have communicated with him by PM , something which is possible as a premium subscriber , He also takes notice of those that comment in a positive and understanding manner and will reply to those that message him if he feels its worthy ,he also takes note of those members that live in cuckoo land and see the world through rose tinted sunglasses !!! REMIND YOU OF ANYONE???


lol yer Right your just another over the top henry fan , so no more mr wolf :thinking:

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history as a way of reminding us of our past , and by clicking on a members name you can look back at there previous comments , and yours shows exactly what i said about in my previous comment ,so seeing as the history is there for all to see we will leave it upto others to decide whos talking bollox , as for being a henry fan , i wouldnt say that as i have also spoke ill of henry in the past on more than one opccasion when i saw drug particip[ation and he replied in his comical way , so no im not a fan of henry ,infact it was mira who got me intrested in this realm ,but i saw what happened and didnt let infatuation dictate to what i wrote , unlike you who became way to involved in the girls life , but hey thats your outlook , just seems to me like you cant cope with a few home truths ,but im not bitter or childish so i will end this discussion on a positive note , have a great evening /night /morning or whatever it is where u r , its been a pleasant conversation with you ,


If I take a look back at some of my own comments, which I have done myself by the way, it shows some of my sometimes less fortunate ones. Would I have done it again? The truth is. I don`t know exactly. :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:


I guess we all have some of these in the “heat of battle or night”! :face_with_monocle:: :thinking: :smiling_face:


i think you need to get out more or get a life / seems your a forum bully who loves having the last word but hay what ever turn you on , lol take care little man joking lol

lol see i upset a few people lol love it

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C’mon @Lazurus_aka_Virgil is far away from a forum bully he’s always nice and have knowledge about realms like other forums members I know on here :hugs: I will always come to the defense of forum members that are talked down too It’s not nice and and it’s not right :100:


ok i take it back SORRY i like him too

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