Henry (Part 2)

Northerner here :+1:

i get mistaken sometimes keep thinking theres 2 robwins the old one that was full of wit and this new one full of !!! lol :rofl:

He’s ok fellow Englishman just does not like Henry he’s got banter tho

I know i am, much better, but lets say i have had my excitement over the years without having to go on the fucking internet and show every other fucker :laughing:

Apparently it’s good money :rofl::rofl:

hes mellowed alot , perhaps hes had is mind warped due to over activity in thi8s forum lol

only joking @robwin yous a sound guy

He’s 1 of the few good guys left on this forum

dont say that . his head will pop

Anyway lad’s best get back to the topic of no doubt we will end up getting sent to the S__t hole

we gotta keep ole jabbs busy

Really, well they ain’t enjoying it that much and what exactly do they own from all these years of good money, living in a furnished apartment and owning nothing apart from what they stand up in. Oh i forgot the big tele he has bought recently :laughing:

Russia ain’t like England mate :+1: material belonging s don’t seem to matter over there like they do over here

Water off a ducks back pal it’s ok :+1: :laughing:

i bet many of them over there wish it b___dy was though :laughing:

I agree there :rofl:


Anyway guys gonna have a break and give Jabs a rest and hopefully come back full of my old wit…and yes i did say wit :laughing:

Cya pal :+1: :rofl::rofl: