Henry (Part 2)

I think Henry smiles 99.9% of the time and some people just cant handle others be happy having fun and living life to they’re fullest

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b___dy hell i bet you miss alot of trains lol , mira is there and as been there sinse just after the realm came back online

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Alot of jealousy on here mate people on here could only dream of having sex with the girls Henry has done

i for one would swap places with henry in a heartbeat for sure

Same here I’m only a phone call away

You call this them being happy do you? thank god I ain’t that fucking happy then :laughing:

Married for over 7 years doing something right

i have to put up with an old wrinkly fur burger thats well aged and well worn , so to have some young pussy even if its been battered would still be an improvment

and still keeps a smile

Love the honesty pal need more of it on here

You reckon eh, well working out well now ain’t it :laughing:

Still married so yes until divorce not many swinging marriages last that long

no point in sugar coating ,it is what it is and i say it as it is

Are you a fellow Englishman I get the feeling you are

good to see not all here are thin skinned

born and bred

I could tell same type of banter same mindset :+1::fire:

cockney boy through and through

So they have set a record eh, something to be really proud of eh :laughing:

Now now Rob jealousy does not suit you your better than that