Henry (Part 2)

She didn’t expect to meet Kostja and fall in love, as I recall she joined to have fun with Troy and Savanna

well i never , thats a first a glaswegian that aint up for the fight . come on man stand ya ground :joy:

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That’s probably good advice for the average married couples, but Henry and Mira are not average. Because of the business they are in, they both expect to have sex with others whether the spouse is present or not. As long as I’ve been following them, I never saw any hint of jealousy on either of them. I think the situation was prompted by something different and, like I stated before, unless Henry replies to some of the comments in this forum about what really happened, we are all speculating.

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They all get the pangs of jealousy eventually it’s just human nature i am surprised they have lasted as long as they have to be honest.
But whatever the reason the whole place is toxic now and will always be whilst they are still around.
Why is he still wearing that stupid bandage on his arm, it’s so slim now it’s doing fuckall anyway.

Funny you have the most posts in topic here.

Am glad you find it funny and made you happy, makes my existence worthwhile then :laughing:

Nah I wondered why you post so much in a topic where you don’t like the participants?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Same with Ryan :+1::eyes:

Well you know the old saying, “There’s none so queer as folk”
Perhaps it’s rather fun watching a protected species :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You ain’t doing too bad yourself pal :laughing:

I don’t hate Henry tho I enjoy this realm what jabbs is saying to people who don’t like the participant’s why come here :rofl: like Ryan hates Henry but yet stalks him crazy

The best comedy show on VHTV as i have said often before :laughing:

Got to get your money’s worth some how mate :rofl:

everyone as the right to comment what they want where they want and if you dont like it …TOUGH SHIT… its a adult forum made up of a bunch of crazies , so what do you expect . wine and roses ? but my two pennies worth is i HATE fake fukers who hide behind a keyboard , say it as it is and stop the waffle .

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If you want a good laugh for whatever reason this is the place to be so it seems. :laughing:

Spot on pal :+1:

No i don’t hate Henry either, hate is rather a strong word don’t you think.
Perhaps an asshole might be fair comment though :laughing:

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Henry’s apartment is back… Looks like he’s not in VH jail, or real jail. It’ll be interesting to see who comes back to visit… It’ll be a hoot if Mira comes strolling back in like nothing happened.

He’s been bk online about 10 hours mate Mira was there earlier

She’s already there trying to look normal :laughing: