Henry (Part 2)

I bet the new girl left Henry’s less than 2 hours after they went offline, she fucked him again, then maybe felt weird and left

You might be accurately right. Absolutely. :hugs:

They both got out of bed just after 8pm and Mira left the apartment at 8:30pm
Henry just wandering aimlessly around with phone :laughing:

and she returned at 21.04 lol must live close by

The strange thing is Mira has let him fuck other girls when she wasn’t around, so for her to flip out on Gerda, makes you wonder what changed

What the hecking flipping hell changed? I was wondering about the same thing. :slight_smile:

I flagged yours now as inappropriate as you are attacking and insulting people.

my bitch comment was a joke between 2 friends as for attacking and insulting people well if thats the case ,when did this forum become a kindergarten ? just saying

H&M old apartment went from being one of the best cammera-ed to this new apartment being the worst.

It’s changed that Mira probably got the feeling that this time, compared to the other insignificant past times, Henry is really into this new girl. Maybe there’s a carry on Henry’s part towards the new girlfriend. I honestly believe that the problem is not Henry and Mira, but the new girl who has done everything to get them separated and then pretend to feel bad.

Welcome :sweat_smile:


It sure was upsetting for me to just read Henry’s name in the apartment

dont feel sad just get even , some mods thrive on power

Thank you my friend

Sometimes it’s better to see each other once in a while but not live together…

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ill 2nd that welcome to the forum try and enjoy and take critisism with a pinch of salt

I used to think Henry would leave Mira for Marica back when she and Mikl joined

You always had a weird sense of thinking :joy::joy::joy: