Henry (Part 2)

I dont care what people think but I do get entertained when I see the ritualistic mating dance of the Ostrich, thanks for posting that earlier

right maybe she just came to smell the other girl on the sheets and is visiting, did anyone see if she brought her things back with her?

Hi Carlos I said that maybe Henry & Mira may keep sex under blankets but look like now things are ok they just start oral sex

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Oral Sex again for 1 hour…

doubt it will change back now i think mira as given up on the project and is back at her private home or her families and henry is not ready to quit the cash cow , they may get back together and henry will visit mira at her home . lets be honest allthough she is a tasty tottie she as of late distanced herself from what the project expects . could be just a trial seperation

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But how do these people live without lunch, dinner or anything to eat? They spend whole days without food, they just _____!
Alida for example, I’ve never seen her eat anything.

so you watch every appartment at the same time 24/7 , of course they eat ,just unfortunate foor you they eat when your not viewing

All time in Henri apart new girl not eating something .

well all i can say is …“i bet its hard to make friends in the world you have immersed yourself in .” as there been any deaths due to starvation in the 7 years of VHTV ther answer is NO so obviously they eat .just not at your beck and call

why thank you for being understanding

…Gerda just getting a sausage taste. :rofl: :rofl:

Henry is eating Mira :crazy_face:

Sadly once someone like Henry strikes a woman (and Henry has a number of times) he’ll no doubt do it again. But I see VHTV apparently condones physical violence by allowing him to be back on line so quickly. If they weren’t going to remove him from the site they (in my opinion) could have suspended him for a few weeks sending him a clear message that they don’t condone physical violence.


Looks like Mira likes the way Henry treats her coming right back crawling in bed with him they just putting on a show all about the money.

Both as bad or as mad as each other. :crazy_face:
Wonder if VHTV are working on the principle of 3 strikes and you’re out? :grinning:
Or is he/she on an unlimited violence licence :grinning:

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We can actually do a point about making a qualified guess about how long it takes before the New Girl Gerda will return to the show. My guess will be one to two days. I feel I have to make a reservation on this aspect. Because I can might be wrong. :hugs: :heart:

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