
or kevin? he just sits around unused at flora’s…

Nah Kevin :joy:

Connor is probably looking for a new place to live now… :wink: :joy:

It is a strange time to leave an apartment late on a Sunday evening. :thinking:

They had “ISP issues”

I also always wonder at what unusual times activities take place. This whole clan is only two hours further than how late it is for me.

We’re talking about Connor’s departure from Flora… :joy:

Thank you for clarification :+1:

Whatever transpired here, Goldie is taking it all pretty hard. Feel bad for her.

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I feel sorry for Goldie :cry: sending u positive vibes :hugs: I don’t like seeing her down

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I wish she would leave the bottles alone and deal with the hurt in a better way!

She desperately needs a man who really cares about her and treats her with respect. Especially someone who keeps her from _____ing. She’s such a great girl and she just has s__t in her life. :cry: :cry: :cry:


When she doesn’t want that, no one will be able to help her

That is of course the prerequisite that she wants it.

I agree I just hope she finds a man that will love her and take care of her :heart: I just want to see her happy and be herself :hugs: and I wish she wouldn’t _____ either

I don’t think she’s such a raving m____r as you might be portrayed by some here.

I rather think her life has slipped out of her hands and she seeks solace in a_____l. Like Lyla, she liked to _____ beforehand.

I hope & wish that she might be able to build a relationship with her c___d and maybe find a job that allows her to spend more time with the c___d.

i told u sparkles and others that time was on my side. goldie like a relationship, but she want to play the field. another one bates the dust, next.

Kristoff turned up, but i suspect that Goldie pulled the plug when she came and found him there

These guys have to learn to take their stuff with them when they leave, so they don’t screw up the girls life, when they come back to get it!

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I haven’t really understood this relationship or what it was between Goldie and this boy. They seemed to be totally incompatible and disconnected right from the start