
Not sure why they named cam 4 and 5 living room as obviously there isn’t any in this apartment


Maybe “Living area” might be the better word :wink:

its a open floor plan :stuck_out_tongue:

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To call a two-seater sofa that is as big as the bathtub “living area” or “living room” is excessively exaggerated. :joy:

Must be a rare picture the 4 people sat down eating at the table trying to act civilised. never fucking last :laughing: And all dressed too,wow, my eyes must be deceiving me :laughing:

There is a new girl now.

I hope she :heart_eyes: came to the right place….:sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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I can hear the pages of your book of girls names being flicked through from here :rofl: :rofl: Page Book GIF by US National Archives

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I already have one when she is “worthy” ahahaha

Took them only 20 min to get there


First things first :wink: Or practice for the script? :upside_down_face:

That means they stay 20mins away by what ever transport they came in :grin:

Has Medea become a sub-manager? She always talks on the phone and sees that everything is OK. :thinking:


il dubbio ce l’ho anch’io

Music and a_____l! For Lyla a dangerous mix !! no sorry for Wayne a dangerous mix :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

forgive me but if all your comments in any apartment are always negative (because you signed up on vhtv)…

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