
the better you are and + you get kicked out the more crooked you are and you _____ and get everything

Yes, someone will comment on that . Trolls come out on Halloween Scary :jack_o_lantern:

troll trolling GIF

_____ again

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She will need a liver transplant :grin:

Looks like she might get a hallow weenie for a treat :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe he is leaving to movie in with Lyla now that Wayne left?? :face_with_monocle:

You really wanna piss @John78 off .let that happen :stuck_out_tongue:

Stop tagging John78 you are just trying to cause trouble with him now…

Congratulations Goldie, you got rid of that boring Finley! Maybe you’ll have a house-warming party. I recommend you invite Pudding, I suspect there are some vibes between you two. I remember one hot night at Medea’s apartment.
:smiley: :smiling_face: :heart_eyes:

I am being serious!

Well at least someone does because the way Goldie _____s, she certainly does not.

:face_with_spiral_eyes: :woozy_face: :beers:

He smokes in the kitchen…

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What’s your point? A lot of the VHTV participants do this.

They were on their way out to the loggia, but I think Goldie thought they were fucking in the bedroom, because she turned around and the shut the door

Goldie’s sight setting is not quite in focus when she adjusts the cam

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warming up, she can’t have her own bed :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably pissed at the time :laughing:

Absolutely rubbered :crazy_face: