


Round to Goldie’s for Halloween :jack_o_lantern:

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No boyfriend in tow, maybe Goldie or Lisbet could get lucky… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :thinking:

How crazy is this, all come from Pudding & Senia , a nice large place , to Goldie & Finley’s that is the size of a shoe box… :rofl: :rofl: :thinking:

Now the Henry concept is copied. Party in a different house every day? Or was the fridge at Pudding now empty. :joy:

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Two lovely ladies that require a man :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Didn’t the lady on the left cuddle with a boy last night until this morning? :thinking:

Not sure :man_shrugging: didn’t have time to watch last night too busy

That should be the same lady.

Yeah went back and had a look, thought I’d better in case I got shot down :+1: I can just imagine saying that in W&L’s realm, I’d be a hater and a troll :man_facepalming:

If you were mean, you’d say the masks are back…

I always thought Halloween was on the 31st? (next monday)

The guy in the beanie is her boyfriend :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably not, that’s Fin. He has another girlfriend.

Here in the black dress.

That’s the two .shes now wearing the beanie. which he

wears a lot both hung out at media places and Kaz House.

I know that, but when I posted this he wasn’t there, I did say “No boyfriend in tow”

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By the chair! It’s Bux I believe, curious as always :joy: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Ehem, now back to topic :stuck_out_tongue:

This Eiffel Tower dildo been at all Stiffler places, remember at Mellania last time :joy: :joy:


Is that Kisa in the cat safe space here?

cat safe zone 10-28-22 2 I don’t understand this, I never had to take my cats with me to visit friends!

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