
Visited Medea apartment many timesā€¦


Did not get a name I guess?

Thanks for all the hard work there @ToreyK . You almost single-handedly make it pointless to get a subscription. Appreciate it! :grin:

I have seen him many times before, even Kaz H, lately comes at Medea with that gorgeous girl Ariana

Lol, you got me a little confused now :joy: :joy: :joy:

Thanks. Letā€™s hope he brings a girlā€¦

I surely hope for that brunette Ariana. she is stunning :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Canā€™t find her in Wikiā€¦

Check Realm67 she was there in the summer

Found her. Quite the hottie :heart_eyes:


Who is the fucking Finley? What does this guy have in common with Goldie? Lousy pairing from VHTV, will not be successful! I hope Goldie will kick him out as soon as possible,

also Kaz House

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Wiki got updated.

They both like to fuckā€¦

Time will tell.

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VHTV doesnā€™t give a fuck about pairing. They are just the plug in the wall the manager hooks up to. Have no expectation of VHTV giving a fuck. Blame the managers.

wonder what pet will see :stuck_out_tongue: sexy pig GIF

Rodent, cat or dog or some combination. Liked the snails of the Alien_Girl they were funny :joy:


Yeah, wonder what happened to Goldies cat? Balakha??

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Was Stiflers cat and maybe got banned from visiting as she was always violent against cables and cams. She bit Sergios loggia cable three times :rofl: :see_no_evil: