



:peach: :heart_eyes:


this kid looks very young my instant reaction was something’s not right :grimacing:

I thought he was a replacement for Isidor, who now seems to spend most of his time at Floras.

i don’t care who is he replacing the kid is u______e or puberty was not to kind to him either way it makes me uncomfortable to watch and also that nobody seems to care either

If you have any concerns then contact support

Don’t all VHTV visitors still have to provide proof of age and sign a legal agreement to be recorded and broadcasted worldwide?

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Of course they have to do that. Proof of age and consent for broadcasting.

thats what i heard but i said this because even if he is not u______e he still looks like a boy. There’s a few girls that are not u______e ( i think) but look u______e on here but i will be quiet now

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Is that why there used to be so many Blanket-boys in the past?

Nah I do not think so

i’m not that guy who reports to support and ruins it for everyone else. i just won’t watch

I will clarify his age. Do not worry. Nothing will happen or turned off.

I said the same earlier. :+1:

To be b____lly honest, this return was just disappointing. A huge let down. Compared to Goldie’s last two places, this apartment is not very good. Tiny rooms, only a narrow single-person bed, bad camera angles in several rooms. The first day was filled with technical problems. Hopefully that is resolved by now. And also, the tenants look tired and exhausted. Like they spent all the time while they were offline partying continuously, and now they need to s___p for a week.
Maybe my impression will improve over the weekend. I hope they will have a moving in party soon.
But for now, I remain pretty disappointed.

Her, choice of guest lately has not been very good :blush:
Hope Elia comes back. IMO not much attraction at all!

Completely agree sometimes a relocation has a detrimental effect on the participants and is not only Goldie either that this happens to either. As you point out the apartments are unsuitable in certain area’s as well
 I do appreciate that due to external circumstances beyond anyone’s control the situation won’t improve soon.