Gella, Winston Wolfe

Guest girl not shy in taking a shower, rather a shame there is a shower curtain.


Bit of a crap loggia balustrade they could have made it out of glass so you could see out and get more light in.
Makes it look like a b___dy prison yard. :roll_eyes:

Oh yes, these are two nice girls. They are just living their daily lives here. In my opinion the most under appreciated realm currently.


In Batman we trust!

But he’s going to be busy again. Now cam 2 is out of position :laughing:


Cam 2 ok now

Looks odd seeing Gella in a dress.

Taking care of business, camera is back in the right angle again :joy:

By the way, that was before I sent a ticket about it. What’s becoming of me? :rofl:


That’s the age. Don’t worry about it… :joy:

Well yes, but she does look fine in it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Nice to see a woman in a dress. Makes for a delightful appearance. That is one fine looking woman. A pleasure on the eyesight.


And the only place with a cam showing the close up of a cam :joy::joy::+1:

Doesn’t get more intimate camwise than that now does it :joy:

Well there you are it is unique :heart_eyes:
By the way cam 6 not loading, have told support.

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Now it works…

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Cam 6 doesn’t that’s cam 7 you are showing :roll_eyes:…Dumbo :laughing:
Cam 6 has been removed from the site for now so cam 7 becomes cam 6.
As you will see there are only 2 cams and not 3 showing.

I didn’t know…but I thank you professor… :joy: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Surely you can tell the difference between 2 cams and 3 cams? :laughing:
A little clue, there’s one missing :laughing:

I’m on vacation and I’m on my third beer…surely tomorrow I’ll be able to figure it out… :joy: :joy: