
he had a chance to have fun with a beautiful lady guess the cams scared him and to be honest for a first time guy maybe it would be, the lady is sexy i would prob man up and except it lol at least he had a fingerbang with her, she seam to like it but wanted more and he didnt deliver guess the cams won on that occasion

She got a little under the cover action


I’m sorry I don’t think she’s going to have to talk to him because I’m pretty sure he already knows. I’m pretty sure they explain it to every guest that comes into that apartment. You cannot cover the cameras his ass need to be kicked out and not invited back this is just ridiculous. They wanna come over and then I think they gonna block every damn camera.



Damned that camera at the bottom of the bed not working :confused:


I’m quite annoyed that camera 7 has not been working for some days and nobody seems to care. In the past few days, I noticed that when there were more people, there were a few flashes of blue dots on the camera’s timeline as if the camera was supposed to work. From this, I infer that there could just be a bad connection of the connector or then it’s just probably a broken wire in the cable under the door

Was für ein komischer Kerl. Kameras zudecken….
Den würde ich Hausverbot erteilen

can anyone tell why they all left all of a sudden??

You do know that none of us are there, right? Haha

I think she prob realised too many people and the possible issues trying to manage them, so she wrapped it up.

Saw someone mentioned above about the camera being blocked.

Drama Le Sigh GIF


What his name?


I don’t think she has a name yet, But I hope she stops pushing Totti around, and takes her damn dog home!


You have fun, you keep people as___p and you sent away the couple who wanted to do all evening, congratulations

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Not 4some in bedroom now?


He just kept people s___ping

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do you think they can get the job done without waking their bed partner?


I don’t know I’m going to bed, I liked it + the other couple who tried to do in the lodge but they always bothered them

I didn’t know that the one with the dog was in charge, you ruined the evening for that couple, congratulations

That’s sex happening in bedroom is only sex tonight?


Are they starting second round in bedroom and don’t care ppl who stay in living room? :joy: