
They may just need a short break to recover their strength!

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shy guest, always in the dark


I think this site would be something for you … all very brightly lit … Direct shots of all body parts, if you pay for it … :wink:

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Carlos already thinks he paid for everything!

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They moved to the bedroom.


Fox, thank you, s___p well.

He is amphibian

haha. That’s funny, but I’m with @carlos as far as preferring the action in the light. And of course there should be 4k cams.

I like to be able to count the hair on the… Never mind. :sunglasses:

what is the website? it is not VHTV?

There’s no need for that, here they could learn from some good and uninhibited residents, with Pasha & Arina for example
(And are also on Vhtv)


It’s OT, but it’s “your_dolls” , I thought it was more appropriate because of the name for carlos.

It’s to try and aid his general harassment of the participants and guests, he’s trying to condition them into his way of thinking, praise if they do something he likes and negativity when they don’t

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What would have happened to @carlos if color television hadn’t been invented… :joy:

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He would probably then complain that the videos have sound and there are no more silent films with texts and piano accompaniment :grin:

Welcome home beautiful woman. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Your new tattoo is nice. what is it? not fully understood




honest opinion: I liked the butt better without the tattoo … but it’s Fox’s body and she has to like it …

Learn from others? What are they to you, genie pigs? Do you even think about what you write on a public forum? These two have taken the time of tenderness for themselves, they didn’t give a s__t about you or me or anybody else. Something you don’t often see in these apartments. Not even under your stadium/studio floodlights.

The beautiful couple surrendered to their passions without bothering about the viewing scale while surrendering to each other. Priceless. That’s why I pay a subscription.

Your whining? Unnecessary s__t. Go to your “good and uninhibited residents”.