Flora (Part 1)

J’attends juste un message officiel de Faye venant de son compte pour confirmer cela…

Lol Lukas, you made me hungry AGAIN :laughing:

But, again, i have a question: what is the item i pointed with the arrows?

Faye no longer has an account. If you look, Trisha has an account.

asparagus… the first this year…

the farmer where i get them always advertised this morning and so i went and got them

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eh bien que trisha nous dise qu’elle a choisi délibérément et unilatéralement de renoncer a Faye

Bon Appetit Trisha :hugs:


Just one more short one: Isn’t usually green?

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Asparagus comes in white and green. But the white tastes better…

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i don’t like the green ones…

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We learn something every day. Never knew that there is a white one as well. I have only tried once to eat asparagus, it was green and bleah :face_v___ting: … never tried again since :joy: :joy:

In Germany, the asparagus season begins on April 12th and ends in mid-June. During this time you have to stand in line at the weekly market if you want to buy it… :wink: :sweat_smile:

Understood. It is not very popular in Ro, so i am not familiar with it. I know it is very healthy, but just from the net :laughing:

Regarding the Faye / Trisha debate…

I propose that to solve the whole ‘issue’, we just call her Simon (note that I said Simon and NOT Simone) …and done with it! :laughing:

I am not sure that Krosh will be very happy about that…or, who knows… :thinking: :innocent:

Her name is Trisha - so stop using her old name

j’ai bien nommé Trisha non??? Par contre vous ne répondez pas à mon commentaire…

thats why i get them at the farm :slight_smile:
when we all are satisfied they bring it to your market :wink:

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Unfortunately, there are relatively few farms in Hamburg. For that you would have to drive into the surrounding area and then the weekly market is the simpler solution… :wink:

Je crois qu’en 1 heutre ou 2, je n’ai jamais passé autant de temps sur ce appartement qu’en 3 mois de présence… Serait l’attrait de cette personne aux cheveux rose… autrefois appelé (Deleted)??? En tout cas je suis heureux qu’elle soit toujours avec Isidore??? c’est bien cela son nom?
D’autre part la tension est déjà en train de monter… avec les histoires de vidéos… je pense que la soirée va vite être écourtée

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Flora et (Deleted) ou quand deux bulldozers se rencontrent…