Flora (Part 1)

Ahahaha how do you know?

By the way here is a joke: How do you recognize a short-sighted gynecologist? - On the wet nose :joy::joy::joy:

Ахахаха, откуда ты знаешь?

Кстати вот анекдот: Как распознать близорукого гинеколога? - По мокрому носу :joy::joy::joy::joy:.

I bet your gynecologist will have you come back every few weeks to see if there are any changes :sweat_smile:

i had a very good friend ( an engineer) who would use the chat-up line ‘Trust me, i am a Gynecologist ,’ also using it whenever apt for speeches or lectures. Another time long gone those days . Wokery nowadays would be horrified.

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Is this Annabella visiting ?

This damn phone screen is way to small


I would say it’s her.

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No, it’s not her, i have just checked at Goldie and she’s there, but looks alike a lot :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

The much longer hair made me have some doubts

gone already

i hope she returns

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Too many guest girls with same hairstyle lately. Maybe the reason why Harper changed hers :joy: :joy:

Shame, she was much better brunette and with long hair (IMO off course)

I have one too:

once a gynecologist retrained to be a wallpaper hanger. and when the residents weren’t there for an appointment, he just wallpapered the entire hallway … through the mailbox slot

She is back :heart_eyes:

Might be Annabella’s sister or related somehow, the resemblance is very strong

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Нет, она впервые на камерах



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she is cute!

will she come back?

She is very pretty :heart_eyes:, you can invite her again :wink: :blush: :innocent:

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This makes me hungry now

Oh, that’s good. I didn’t know participants needed your permissionas to who they can invite to their realms again… :astonished: :smiling_face:

Он просто предложил )