
Greetings Fen. It is nice to finally hear your thoughts on what we discuss. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that a lot of these guys are young and inexperienced. I will at least try to be mindful of that going forward. But please keep in mind that many of us do not speak your native language so the only thing we all can commonly discuss is sexual performance as we cannot really discuss anything else in detail that you and your guests speak on. I hope you continue to enjoy your time on cam.



You don’t get to tell anyone on this forum what to do, in ANY WAY, whether they’re a participant, guest or user!

And, everyone’s opinion is welcome, whether you like or agree with it or not. When opinions direct anyone to do or not to do this or that, in any way you’ve crossed the line.

That is absolutely NOT what this forum is for! As I just said, you are not allowed to direct anyone’s actions in ANY WAY.

You’ve been a member of this forum long enough to know the rules. Not abiding by them can earn you a little vacation from the forum, or worse. The choice is yours, pal.


While this is true, and it applies to all forum rules, any information can be shared via PM.


It’s nice to hear from you I just want to say keep doing what ur doing as long as ur comfortable and enjoying urself that’s all I care about :hugs:


It’s actually Jabbath, which stands for Jabba The Hut.


If you don’t like what others are doing simply ignore just as the participants do. You too don’t get to hijack others point of view. Your opinion is not asked. Viewers can comment whatever they want as if we can do more than anything but comment. And there is no way rules will be changed for you so stop asking personal details of the participants. Stop being a creep.

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It doesn’t work that way. When you break the rules you get called out for it.

I haven’t hijacked anything, and my comments don’t need to be requested, I can comment on any post I choose, as can anyone else, regardless of whether you like or agree with it.

That’s only true as long as you play by the rules of the forum.

I never asked for any rule to be changed.

I also didn’t ask for any personal details. I provided additional information to someone else’s comment.

Typically, when someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about, it’s usually best not to talk. You know what they say, silence is golden.

Yes silence is golden,thank you for reminding, so do that and nobody asked you to do anything. And if I did who are you to call me out? They are people sitting on the top it is their job not urs. So stop being a watchdog if U still want to bark take this and play :soccer:

Not allowed to talk about private details like age.

You’re right, you didn’t ask me to do anything. You told me.

You told me:

If you don’t like what others are doing simply ignore…

You too don’t get to hijack others point of view. (which I didn’t do)

there is no way rules will be changed for you (which I didn’t ask for).

…stop asking personal details of the participants. (which I also didn’t do)

silence is golden…so do that

Not true. Those people rely heavily on every members’ input because they can’t be everywhere at once, and can’t read the 1000s of daily posts. It’s our responsibility to do that.

I am not going to lie lol I love that gorgeous ass of yours


Where is Fennec ?

She went out. Kit is there.


She was there but left! :face_with_monocle: :thinking:

Opera Снимок_2024-07-23_232951_voyeur-house.tv


Fico came. He looks nice. Probably could do 3some or 3 rounds tonight :heart_eyes:
But still never put his phone down :rofl:


The cards are out again! :rofl: :face_with_monocle:


What r they eating? Sushi?:bento: :sushi:


Looks like it I had the same tonight but not as late as them :joy:

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