
when is sabrina coming?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

It sounds a bit like there was at least more between the two. It’s about drinking and his behavior. She wants normality. She wants it to be normal but says “I’m not going with you” either. Total confusion. He is too unreliable for her, she speaks of 5x cooking… normal problems

A post was merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole

ignore some troll fake accounts here “Faye”, their aim is nothing but stupidity and trolling. For us you are always… :fire: :heart: :fire:

( some fake troll accounts are trying to attack her )

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Please refrain from using insulting and degrading terms to a participant who is clearly enjoying herself. It is no wonder that tenants leave at times. kind regards

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Mr. @iain why do you reply to trolls like this, no need, just flag it spam or inappropriate, and mods will do what is necessary, because the more you talk to trolls like this, the more trolls like him will be in here. :+1:t2:





For someone so mortified you sure spend a lot of your time watching her apartment.




  • Finishing with creampie… :fire:

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Round 2 :fire:


She read out the comments loud and had a good laugh :joy:. She for sure has nothing to be ashamed of. She is comfortable the way she is and we love it :heart: :heart:

why thus guest guy left

:heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :dog: :heart_eyes: :heart:


Where is Sabrina?

someone answer me if they can

Outside :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

when will he come back?