Favorite sexual activity

My absolute favorite is the moment when my dick enters the proper wet pussy for the first time during sex. It feels like it found finally the perfect place to be. I also wanted to say that you @Sarahhh look amazing. You have a perfect body with a really pretty face

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My goodness well thank you Tillman. Kind words in my body for 52 years old not ideal, it fluctuates and my skin is so dry and I have s___p deprived bags etc. but I am a female knowing it can be better for myself at minimum. Lol so let me shut up too much coffee perhaps :coffee::joy: All good we are all special and no mind body spirit somatic problems at all.:relaxed:

Regarding your fave: Entering wet pussy for the first time is equally as arousing my Gosh - at least for me anyway and imho. it’s like instant horn in this exasperation moment that is amazing. My boyfriend calls it “being home”. “Hi honey I’m hommmme” :joy: :grin:. We don’t live together and only see each other for two days at a time every one to two weeks or so right now but that fluctuates here and there and says mention about home :house_with_garden:.

Enjoy your home, Tillman :wink:

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You gone a bit quiet Sarahhh, getting photo withdrawal symptoms here :laughing:
52 eh, wow, b___dy hell you have sure worn well hun and you look amazing i must say so you must be doing something right :wink:
Any further contributions greatly appreciated :laughing:

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My blond hair falls over my full breasts. My red mouth is wet.


Oh Rita! My muscular black body trembles with desire. I want you!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That is my face my boyfriend superimposed into a pretty woman movie :movie_camera: picture

And his dick on my colored self… He would like me to try a mixed race dick, and says that I am color down there because someone’s colored come colored me - hooh yikes

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_____ Channel 9 GIF by Married At First Sight Australia

archer cyril GIF

@Sarahhh what I most like about your body is that it’s natural and you can really be proud about how you look like

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Thank you Tillman… 52… And earned every curve and cellulite bid on it as the food was yummy :slight_smile:

Lol no Shame :slight_smile:

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My wet long day libido is kicking in line bevervwet before holy sh.

Are you looking for something in particular? Robwin ? Yikes :flushed: so wet at your ask . The dialogue on this site is hot. Hooh weee


My Go Then @Sarahhh ?

Right, going down on My Wife, Her Clit between My Teeth and Lips, and My Hands going under Her Legs and Massaging Her Ample 38in Boobs, for Hour After Hour.

/\ ( :raised_back_of_hand:t3: Y :ok_hand:t3: ) /\


Something like that.