Eliza, Queen

Deleted post.

Back on topic or is that back on top. I’m sure Ben-A-dick “Benadick” as I call him will be next in line.
:rofl: :joy:

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No comment… :stuck_out_tongue:

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difficult task: point out the pussy :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That facial expression looks frightful!

Queen is trying out her artistic side … :heart_eyes:

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:fire: :fire: :fire:


Well I see Trisha is on the move again…

Have bags will travel ain’t it :laughing: or maybe they didn’t like her new name :laughing:

Back to Wendys or New M&H? or even a new realm of her own?

I guess we’ll find out when someone eventually tracks Trisha down and posts it.

jetzt weiss ich auch warum sie so sauer ist. die beiden weg, keinen mehr zum bumsen aber die beiden pfeifen in der wohnung… ( was hat der knabe denn blos mit seinen schwanz vor, glaubt der vom ziehen wird der grösser ?

Isidor und Trisha waren heute mittag bei Flora,.ich verstehe zwar die Srache nicht, aber aus der Gestik habe ich entnommen, dass sie bei Flora unterkommen wollten. Flora war nicht begeistert. Sie sind ach kurzer Zeit wieder gegangen

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I think Henry did say earlier that she was going to have her own apartment soon however long soon is?

Lets look at it this way, Goldie was going to be back soon a month ago!

Maybe she’s lost the address or is pissed up :laughing:

“Time is relative; its only worth depends upon what we do as it is passing.” a famous saying goes :laughing:

Too deep for me this time of night pal :laughing:

But, think of all the money she is losing while we have no place to watch in her name.