Dennis & Eleanor

Это приятно :joy:

И это далеко не самое интересное , что вам еще предстоит наблюдать )

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It’s not about luck. It’s about power

I didn’t quite translate what you said. I think you meant something more interesting. Anyway, what you did last night was very interesting. The other girl was ready for sex, but you didn’t do it. I think Eleanor would have walked in any minute. :rofl:

power? what kind of power?

I think he means contractual obligations and money.

Think of your heart…take pills beforehand :joy:

Thanks Max, but no, i am safe. A different girl is giving me heart palpitations :crazy_face:

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Verh & Nizik

Who are the 3GTM´s in this Apartment ??

What do you mean? GMT+3 means the timezone they are in. We won’t disclose the location any further.

Eleanor had some plastic surgery?

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@Squish There she is, Lely is visiting Dennis


the good example given by Foo


The real best lover of Vhtv :wink: