Cinderella, Kerri

oh how i wish someone would photoshop this image so that laserbeams are being fired out from her pussy :rofl:

I’m going to ask something of Isidor, give Cinderella more affection and love, which she deserves

I take it you are only into vanilla sex and are not a fan of BDSM or any other similar

Simply wonderful @Cinderella. You really know how to take your Prince Charming’s royal scepter! :heart_eyes: :clap: :clap:

I agree with some of you, Isidor has changed with his lovemaking, he no longer does the extended session and is into pleasing Cinderella. It seems to be more into dominating her and pounding her and grabbing her and thrusting deep into her throat -knowing it hurts her.
I believe she is still in love and will go along to get along, but He seems to have grown tired of pleasing her and just wants to have rough Sex to dominate her and get his orgasms as quickly as possible.
I worry about her getting her comfort zone pushed further and further. And she is in love, too young and inexperienced to really know what she may regret later. I worry that Isidor’s roughness will only get worse as it continues.

:see_no_evil: :rofl: :rofl:

Big Mouth Lol GIF by MOODMAN (7)

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (8)

:heart_eyes: (9)


Cinderella loves the :eggplant:. Great job @Cinderella!!! :+1: :hugs:


No, yesterday’s scene has nothing to do with BDSM, but you obviously don’t see the difference. (To each his experience, I don’t judge :wink: ). Let’s see how the situation develops, and we’ll talk again if you want.

Cinderella is an adult and she can speak for herself if she is uncomfortable. Let’s not get upset on someone’s behalf who potentially does not feel the same way

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And you obviously don’t know how to read the rest of my sentence…

I’m happy for Cinderella & Isidor. They have moved past the boring sex they were having when the realm first opened. :yawning_face:

De 2 meiden in mijn ogen zeer goed kunnen koken zijn.


I could watch them for hours - and do!



It must taste really good

Food Porn Drool GIF by Model Plate





for you in slow motion…

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