Cinderella, Kerri

Perfection :heart_eyes:




A little bit of treat from him (he needs a name i believe)


Cinderella cooking chicken tonight. She is scrupulously clean in everything she does. Well trained. I wonder if she has a sister who might be persuaded to visit?


How about Slash?

Suits him very well. Nice name choice

@David do you not like this name?


Sorry, i have no intention to name him. I just find the name choice as being nice. If you want, you can choose a name for him

No…genuinely one of the worst names ever!

I won’t be naming them either but bearing in mind previous comments about them (further up the page), a gender neutral name MIGHT be preferable.

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I suggest Josema (in Spanish José María is a male name and María José a female name). Maybe can work with him :slight_smile:

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If you have few pics of him then @jabbath1987 will add him to the wiki

I am not well up on this but is Cinderella ‘boning’ a chicken. Speaking of ‘boning’, I wonder whether Isidors cock is fully functional tonight yet? Also, with Cinderella indisposed on her period, it could be up to Slash/Josema to rise to the occasion?

Here we go, for the wiki :blush:


@Mattdaddy1033 I apologise for the blunt nature of my reply to you, re the naming of the person we were discussing. I just felt a repulsion to the suggestion you gave, based on my thoughts on using a gender neutral name instead. Further back on this thread, mention was made that they MIGHT be transgender so my thoughts turned to that possibility and I went into overly defensive mode. I am sorry. :blush:



@jabbath1987 I made a few more. can you add him to the wiki when you have a moment please?

Josema is the name


No worries, we are good!

I will add him later

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I guess that the milk was a little bit too cold :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :joy: :innocent:



What was the milk for anyway? I’ve never heard of that in a sexual context.

Perhaps a first for VH?