Cinderella, Kerri

Hope Ben feels better :hugs:

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Sure. I am a network administrator and work on cloud solutions and write scripts and things for further automation.

Not sure if you are teasing or my question was badly written - the question itself was for @Cinderella and the aside was just checking I was not breaking the rules

Her answer was actually explaining Ben’s wounded hand

Well DOH!!! (crawls into corner and pulls blanket over head)

In this case, then yes, the question was badly written, sorry.

Looks like your asking Cinderella what work she does. That’s the only reason i mentioned that she only explained how Ben got his hand injured.

I assume that you didn’t believed that Ben was answering using Cinderella’s account

You assumed correctly. As we say on the UK - a Senior moment! :rofl:

I was also confused, The translation appears to say Cinderella is talking about herself.

Makes me think it is her hand!

She was answering Mohrchi’s question about what happened to Ben’s hand. Very little confusion there to be honest

Doesn’t the Russian language distinguish between “I” and “He”?

I would have expected
“He cut his hand at work between the fingers, they put stitches”

Most of times, the problem is not the language. It is the translator

Simple translate says this.

“Cut my hand between the fingers at work and needed stitches”

Yes, that’s what she wrote

Oh sorry I understood wrong. Of course you can ask her but she is not obliged to answer for sure.

Kerri: Hope you are not going away for the Holiday. But Saying Merry Christmas now just in case…

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she is so hot


I think my computer almost burst into flames when that image came up on screen!
:heart_on_fire: :heart_eyes: :heart_on_fire:

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Welcome Xavier


Again not letting a dog out enough. Bathroom

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