Cinderella, Kerri

Kerri shows how beautiful she finds everything … :wink:

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OMG, Is that Alec?

YES .it’s Alec

Wasn’t he sent into exile sometime ago?

some exiles have probably been dissolved or the people have been pardoned …

Mit Isidor und Ben befindet sich Alec doch in bester Gesellschaft… :crazy_face:


You mean they’ve all beaten up women before?

With Ben there are even 5 people in the apartment and it could be a bit cramped. The only question is whether and when Isidor will test the new guest girl

Since everyone is officially single, this is very possible … :joy: :rofl:

Useless is the last part Alec is famous for. How was he not banned for life after years of violence towards Alisa, is beyond my understanding.

I guess, like Robwin said, on Vhtv it matters who you know, not what you do :roll_eyes:

Same applies for Ben, ironically, Teresa was banned but not him :thinking::thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Makes total sense :crazy_face:

Boys are needed when they have sex in front of the camera …

Certain managers even lend the boys to each other …

Maybe they also say Ben & Co are just guests … and therefore not officially with VHTV … :joy: :rofl:

Still do not get why they keep inviting them. Kerri does not even seem to like them too. They add nothing. Just k__ling the mood and using up air :rofl::man_facepalming:

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You are totally right about the “certain” managers.

All of them from this group of boys, had the same managers. All the bad things happened thru the time in this area, was in their apartments. No need to mention them, most of us, know who they are…

Well, that’s not what this trio is very famous for :crazy_face::joy::joy::joy:





Quality? :joy: :rofl: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Not important for this manager, quantity is important.

Guys should be ready to fuck anything. In return, most girls are also willing to fuck the guys (without [much] lead time).

who is this beautiful girl?