Cinderella, Kerri

Дорогая Золушка, когда ты готовишь пюре, проще влить в картошку стакан теплого молока. 100 грамм топленого сливочного масла тоже помогают и вкуснее.

The picture is from Telegram… :wink:

  • 1 eierdooier :wink:

Thank you for the update. :+1:

Dear Cinderella, when you make mashed potatoes, it’s easier to pour a glass of warm milk into the potatoes. 100 grams of melted butter will also help and taste better.

She already did… :slightly_smiling_face:

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1 eigeel mijn lief is niet genoeg voor de hoeveelheid aardappelen. Geloof me, ik ben een chef-kok.

She poured in cold milk from the fridge. But only warm milk or hot melted butter will help. Believe me, I’m a chef.

I am not a chef, but i also use milk straight from the fridge, same for everyone i have seen until now. I haven’t tried with warmed one to see if there’s any difference, maybe i will try now…:slightly_smiling_face:

Doen we hier ook zo :wink:
Zou niet weten welk verschil het uitmaakt

Yup, does make a difference. Mash will be smoother. Warm cream is even better (if not less healthier…)

Understood. I will definitely try it :hugs:

It’s obvious that cold milk from the refrigerator cools down the potatoes. You don’t have to be a chef to see that. The warm milk makes the puree softer and smoother. And it tastes better. I would love to cook for you all.


Totally off topic, but I have recently discovered just how a little powdered tumeric boosts the flavour of beaten egg to use in an omlette or scramb__d eggs. I used to be a chef too but never knew this - trust me it is amazing

I never knew as well. Will definitely also try this. Thank you for the tips :hugs:

Don’t use too much or it will taste a little “soapy” Maybe quarter teaspoon per 2 eggs

Kerry, don’t look so critical. You look amazing… :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:


and here I just couldn’t resist… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart_eyes: :heart: